I was invited to serve as an Individual Evaluator at Taipei Medical University (TMU) Toastmasters Club meeting Monday evening, June 13! Luckily, I arrived early in the afternoon and saw a big poster of 2016 commencement. I was excited to have a photo taken in front of the poster.
It has been 39 years since I graduated from Department of Pharmacy of TMU in 1977. I then went to the affiliated Teaching Hospital to have my height and weight checked (Height 169 cm, Weight 56.5Kg, BMI 19.8). Wow, I feel younger and fitter than ever!
Enjoy a short movie I made A Letter to Dear Me in 20 years with Window Movie Maker! Plus one more short movie about The Art of Communication!
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五月的威內托(Veneto)天氣是多變化的,下著雨的時候多,晴天少的時候。感謝二位住在巴都亞(Padova)朋友的邀約,五月底到威內托一遊,六天五夜,接著搭 MSC Sinfonia 序曲號遊東地中海八天七夜。 說到二位住在巴都亞的朋友,一位是彩雲,另一位是彩蓉,二位都是五月初一...
I enjoy reading stories, I enjoy listening to stories, and I enjoy telling stories. On Legacy's 10th anniversary party, I'll tell yo...
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