
La vita è dolce

Good Morning! It is the last week of March, and it is still cold. While struggling refreshing my Italian language, I’m very contented with my progress at the moment. I can recall quite a lot the basic Italian Grammar I learned in Italy in 2004. Many thanks to the internet, I can watch the Italian language program on youtube and it is an effective way to hone the language skills.

In the past week, I also saw a few films of Federico Fellini. They were released even before I was born! How pleasant it was to be able to transcend to the Italy in the early 50’s, and got a picture of beautiful Italians in the past. The more I study the Italian language, the more I am fond of the Italians.

Last Saturday, March 23rd, Italy became the first G7 country to endorse China's "Belt and Road" infrastructure project (BRI) as Italy tries to revive its struggling economy. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte shook hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping at a signing ceremony after a three-day trip for the Chinese leader. Italy and China also signed up many economic cooperation, especially in the areas of trade, transport, infrastructure, and connectivity. Italian government aims to eliminate the deficit soon, as Italy had a trade deficit of €17.6 billion with China in 2018.

In two weeks, I shall embark upon the cruise of Costa Venezia for 5 days. I look forward to the opportunity to use my Italian language to make acquaintance with a few Italians on board. And I shall dance at Marco Polo Atrium with the Live Band 4 nights through! I just can't wait to enjoy La vita Italiana dolce! Mi sento adesso bellissima and felissima!

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五月的威內托(Veneto)天氣是多變化的,下著雨的時候多,晴天少的時候。感謝二位住在巴都亞(Padova)朋友的邀約,五月底到威內托一遊,六天五夜,接著搭 MSC Sinfonia 序曲號遊東地中海八天七夜。 說到二位住在巴都亞的朋友,一位是彩雲,另一位是彩蓉,二位都是五月初一...