
Hakka Language

I couldn't understand what the teacher taught about in class. I couldn't follow the handouts. After I walked in the class in a chilly rainy evening, I sat down at a seat at the back of the classroom Friday evening, February 3rd. I wanted to be invisible!

I was at lost, feeling like a foreign bride in a Mandarin class full of strangers and foreigners. I was the only mainlander among 30 Hakka people, ten men and 20 women! Wow, in what way, I could survive here. In what way, I could take the first step. I want to deliver a prepared speech in Hakka in Toastmasters. It's my new year's resolution in 2012.

I decided to move to the front seat to shorten the gap between the teacher and me. I wanted to acquire the language as quickly as possible. I learned how to say "I" in Hakka. Then, I learned more words! I gradually got the feelings of pronouncing Hakka, like the mixture of Taiwanese and Mandarin. At the end of my first Hakka class, I sang a Hakka song "Hiang-cin 相親" without reading the notes and won a big round of applause from the floor.

Ask me why I become interested in the Hakka language! It's after I joined a group of Hakka people to worship the Hakka ancestors in Fukien in October in 2011. I met many Hakka friends and I joined the Hakka Association. I hope I can visit China with them again every year!

In Taiwan, it's convenient to learn Hakka. Firstly there are many Hakka people around us. We don't have difficulities to find partners to practice the language. Secondly, there are many free Hakka classes at the community schools. Thirdly, there are many Hakka events organized and sponsored by the government.

Now I won't skip the Hakka TV channel. When riding on MRT, I shall pay attention to the announcement in Hakka. After I can sing a few Hakka folk songs by heart, who knows, maybe I shall participate in the singing contest in Hakka in the future!

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