




PS: I was notified by Trini that the demo meeting had been postponed by TrendMicro infinitely a week later while I was planning to change my topic from "RISE" to "A Blessing in Disguise".


Two decades ago, I was like you, you, and you, being invited to a toastmasters meeting not knowing what toastmasters had to offer. Twenty years later, I am standing here to tell you one of the greatest joys in my life, that is being a toastmaster.

I joined Grand Toastmasters Club in 1986. I believe some of you were just born, some of you were in elementary school at that time. I finished my graduate studies in the US, returned to Taipei, worked for the government. I fell in love with toastmasters at the first sight. I loved meeting with people from all walks of life, people with quality, people of energy.

People come and go, employees come and go, so do toastmasters. New members come and old members go. But, I stay because Toastmasters offers many communication and leadership training programs. And I love to be a non-stop learning machine till the day I expire.

Ten years ago, I became the Charter President of Kyoto Toastmasters Club when I was an exchange student in Kyoto. I made many Japanese friends. The older I become, the more I enjoy energetic, enthusiastic, non-stop learning toastmasters friends. They are like my family members to laugh and to grow together.

If you could please take a look around you and pick up a leader! Is leader born or made? I say leaders rise and shine upon others. Serving as the club officers in Toastmasters trains us to rise above self. The core values of RISE of the Toastmasters International guide us to the respect for the individual, integrity, service to the member and excellence.

Life is but a rollercoaster, sometimes we are up, sometimes we are down. When you are down, think of toastmasters, think of the RISE of sun to give light to people around you. Now all toastmasters, please all rise and repeat after me. The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.

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