President May Hwang and I represented Grand Toastmasters Club to participate in Area H1 Humorous Speech Contest at MacKay Hospital Sunday afternoon, October 14th. I was recruited at the last minute to replace IPP Gina Cheng, because of her sudden back pain. To my pleasure, I won the first place! Pierre Chen from MOFA TMC and I shall represent Area H1 to compete at Division H Humorous Speech Contest at MacKay Hospital, Saturday evening, October 27th.
For my humorous speech at Division H contest, it'll be the first time I apply the theater theory to my delivery. I divide my speech into prologue, act I, II, III, and epilogue. I'm eager to experience the impact upon the audience! The script is as follows, your comments and suggestions are highly appreciated!
Area H1 Evaluation Contest
From Sharen Chen's performance at the evaluation contest, I witnessed the rapid growth of a junior Toastmaster in communication and leadership skills. Sharen took the challenge to stand up and speak up on stage, it's the most effective way to become a better communicator and leader.
Miss Beauty of Age
Prologue 0'00"~1'00"
Life is about...! Life is about...! (The speaker picks up a piece of paper from her pocket and reads it aloud!)
Loss of memory! It can happen to me. It can happen to you! Sooner or later, for better and for worse!
How many times do you forget lines when you're on stage at a Toastmasters speech contest? How many times have you forgotten where you parked your car? Don't feel bad. Some people forget to say "I do" at the wedding ceremony. Many people forget to say "I love you" on their anniversaries. Some people even forget they are married!
Act I 1'00"~3'00"
Memory loss is becoming a threat to me and to my husband. Fortunately we still find our way home and recognize each other in bed. Early this month, the first Wednesday evening, I was excited to join Grand Toastmasters club's in-house speech contest after work. I tried to memorize my speech so hard that I discovered to my dismay that I had gone to our club's old meeting venue.
Memory, all alone in the moonlight. (The speaker sings "Memory".) I was in a panic and rushed to our new meeting venue just in time to present my speech, I ended up forgetting one third of my humor!
However, the loss of memory is not a bad thing. Forgetting your enemies makes you forgive your enemies. Life actually becomes more beautiful!
Act II 3'00"~5"00"
Why am I standing here? Who am I? (The speaker picks up a small mirror in her pocket.)
The pocket mirror is too small to fit my face!
There is a mirror on the table. But I can't see my face well. Let me try the other side of the mirror, 5 timers bigger. (The speaker uses a bigger table mirror 5X to see herself better.)
Was blind, but now I see! (The speaker sings "Amazing Grace".)
Oh, mirror mirror mirror on the table! Aging is a slow process of decay, in two opposite directions, expanding and diminishing. The bags under my eyes, bigger and bigger; my sight, weaker and weaker!
Sight loss has become a thread to me and to my husband. Last Friday evening, my husband was excited to bring home an x-rated DVD. After dinner, he went to his study planning how to play the DVD, I was in the kitchen wondering why. We were in bed early after a good shower. When he turned on the DVD player, he threw me the remote control. Without reading glasses, I couldn't find the play key. My husband became impatient and asked me just to press every button, but that did not work. I gave him the remote control and he struggled himself with it for a long while. In the end, we were so exhausted and frustrated that we decided to call it a night!
The loss of sight is not a bad thing. I can't see details, flaws of others, I see big pictures. My eyes are closed, but my ears are open. I become a better listener. Life actually becomes more beautiful.
Act III 5'00"~6'30"
Look at the Grandriders in Taiwan! Seventeen octagenarians with all diseases and disorders in the medical dictionary rode around the island and brought Taiwan to the International stage. They demonstrate without a shadow of doubt the beauty of age with spirit, energy, and friendship!
They did it their way! (The speaker sings "My Way".)
If it can happen to them, it can happen to us!
Epilogue 6'30"~7'00"
Fellow Toastmasters and friends, (The speaker puts on the Miss Beauty sash and crown!)
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. The Beauty of age is the courage to dream, to learn, to take the challenge. Look at this Miss Beauty of Age in front of you. If it can happen to her. It can happen to you! Contest Chair!
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