
The Playback Theater "Gate" on Stage

My debut Playback Theater (PT) on stage took place at the Wenshan Woman and Family Service Center this morning, May 26th, with a dozen PT actors and actresses and 52 tellers. It was a two-hours theater full of laughter and tears. It was a powerful psycho-drama for tellers, for audiences, and for actors. Everyone was somehow transformed from adversities into inspiring life purposes one way or another. I saw the soothing and therapeutic effects of PT among tellers with my own eyes.

Talking about the Playback Theater, it's about improvisation on stage. I like improvisation on stage for several reasons. Firstly, the craft of improvisation started in Italy in the 16th century. And I used to live in Italy and I leaned the Italian Language. Secondly, I have many close Italian friends. We exchange emails regularly. Last but not least, I love Italian cuisine. I am fascinated by the passionate Italian ways of communication with facial expressions, hand gestures, and vocal varieties.

I like PT where I learn to observe people around me and I find the experience enrich my life journey. In the community living classroom, I open my eyes to many on-going comedies and tragedies on daily basis. While I learn to express emotions, I also let out the inner feelings of mine. It feels great!

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