
Women of the World

Po-tzu is full of foreign brides, mainly from Vietnam, a few from China and Indonesia. Brides from China assimilate into the local community easily because of the language. Brides from Vietnam often gather in a small group to chat at a local Vietnamese beauty salon. I assume they share their experiences about housekeeping and children education.

I visited a beauty shop in Pu-tzu to have manicure and pedicure this morning, and to know about the Vietnamese brides. While Ah-er worked on my nails, I intruded their women's small talk in Vietnamese by asked questions. Ah-er is a beautician with an artistic sense. She started her small business of a beauty shops after she married to an old Taiwanese man. She has a 10 year old son. She also runs rotating savings and credit associations (ROSCA) for her neighbors and friends.

During one and a half hours of manicure and pedicure with Ah-er, I was amazed at these young and beautiful Vietnamese brides. They are good at reproduction. All of them have kids in schools. They either work at the factories or open their shops of specialties (eatery, grocery store, beauty parlor) to take root in a new society they call home.

At home, the Indonesian maid Eni becomes a close friend. We chat day and night just about everything during the Chinese New Year. My mother-in-law stays in bed most of the time. She doesn't say a word. As the only daughter-in-law at home, I listen to Eni's stories, her marriages, her son, her dream. Eni also compares the pros and cons of staying at a nursing home and staying home with domestic helper. In a small global village of Pu-tzu, I can reach out to women of the world.

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