
YSIOA--Shape Sensation

While Toastmaster Lily Lin and I were having a coffee break at 85C after the singing class this afternoon, we were invited to have our bodies measured by a sales lady from Triumph. I was curious about what shape I was, I invited Lily to get on the pink truck of Triumph across the street to have our bodies mesured! I was S, among YSIOA.
YSIOA, the 5 identified body shapes, give recommendation on products for women's problem areas. We learned from a demo by a professional on DIY massgae technique to lift, firm and shape your bust. The commercial of Triumph on TV, touched upon my heart. It's ratio matters, not weight. And I bought three sets of underwear without the second hought.

The reason I was caught by the commercial of Triumph, was "Leo Burnett: Star Reacher" the book I have been reading in the past week. I became interested in commercials around my world.

Without much thinking, I bought three sets of underwear, two of the latest mode, one was a sloggi for traveling teens. I was excited to put on my new underwears during the college class reunion when I ventured down to the Kenting in a week.

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