
Division H Christmas Party 2009

Grand Toastmasters Club hosted Division H Christmas Party 2009 this evening. I volunteered to lead a dancing session to lift up the holiday spirit. "Dancing PK", as I called it, involved all participants at the party. Two groups, men and women dancers, were formed on the spot. Dancing PK contains two parts, the traditional dance (hula dance for women and aboriginal dance for men) & modern dance (Wonder Girls' "Nobody" for women and SuperJunior's "Sorry Sorry" for men).

In Toastmasters arena, everyone is no stranger to impromptu speeches. Members are called upon to answer table topics without prior preparations. At D67 Fallcon 2009, some toastmasters experienced a so-called impromptu singing for the first time. This evening, it was the first time we took the challenge of impromptu dancing. Every participant was excited to twist his or her body for fun with fellow toastmasters, including incumbent D67 Governor James Lin, DTM.

After a brief and short explanation of basic dancing steps of Hula, Aboriginal and two most recent popular dances of Korean Rock groups, the finger guessing winning group started to dance. For traditional dance, women dancers claimed the trophy with their sexy Hula Dance. For modern dance, men dancers did an amazing job dancing Sorry Sorry, because several young toastmasters already learned the hot dancing steps by heart.

Dancing PK is more than dance. Not only does it tickle the bones of members to shake their booties, but it also motivates members to be the best dancers they can be. On top of that, Dancing PK is good for health. It warms up the party atmosphere. It brings people together to dance on their two feet. I look forward to another impromptu Dancing PK at Toastmasters gatherings soon in the future.

All's well that ends well. The last meeting (party) of Grand Toastmasters Club was meaningful. Many toastmasters membrs of Division H came join us to rejoice the birth of Jesus Christ and to say farewell to 2009. We look forward to a properous Grand in 2010 when Grand will celebrate her 35th anniversary.

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