

五月的威內托(Veneto)天氣是多變化的,下著雨的時候多,晴天少的時候。感謝二位住在巴都亞(Padova)朋友的邀約,五月底到威內托一遊,六天五夜,接著搭 MSC Sinfonia 序曲號遊東地中海八天七夜。

說到二位住在巴都亞的朋友,一位是彩雲,另一位是彩蓉,二位都是五月初一同搭 MSC Splendida 輝煌號,才新結識的朋友。彩雲與彩蓉是巴都亞中國教會的朋友,第一次相約搭郵輪,就遇上了我這位郵輪老手,由於語言通,自然就走到一起了。彩雲與彩蓉來自中國浙江,在巴都亞經營皮鞋皮包工廠。為了讓台灣朋友了解中國人在義大利創業的艱辛,盛情邀約我與表妹一遊巴都亞。



當天的夕陽實在是太美了,在大運河旁的小酒館喝著悠閒午後開胃酒義大利的國民飲料 Aperol Spritz欣賞日落,是所有義大利人夢寐以求的場景。很可惜我們正在趕路,急著想在天黑以前,到聖保羅大教堂拍張團體照,以茲紀念。





義大利語 B1








It's all Greek to me! 對我來說是天書!

Day  1  4/15 AthensPiraeus
Day  2  4/16 Volos
Day  3  4/17 Thessaloniki                    
Day  4  4/18 At Sea
Day  5  4/19 Rhodes Greece
Day  6  4/20 Limassol Cyprus
Day  7  4/21 At Sea 
Day  8  4/22 EphesuKusadasiTurkey
Day  9  4/23 Santorini (March 15)
Day 10  4/24 Mykonos
Day 11  4/25 Athens
Day 12  4/26 Athens

Day -1 (April 13) Saturday
From the international airport to Athens Plaka 
Take a taxi: it takes about 50 minutes and costs €70 - €85  to reach the centre of Athens.
Take the Metro: Line 3 (the blue one) reaches Syntagma metro station in 45 minutes, for 10€.
Take the Bus: Arrival Exit 5, Line X95 goes to Syntagma Square in 1 hour, 24 hours a day. It’s the cheapest solution to go to the centre, and only 6€.

April 13, Saturday
When in Athens Hostel , Valtetsiou street. 17, 10 680 Athens 
www.wheninathenshostel.com  Tel:   +302117503244 

Take Metro From the Airport 5.30am till midnight
Airport Terminal station (blue line) to Syntagma station, change to red line for one stop to Panepistimio station/ walk 9 minutes

雅典大眾運輸系統車票是共通的,只要一張單程票「one 90 minute ticket」,便可在 90 分鐘內搭乘巴士(但不含機場巴士Bus X93、Bus X95、Bus X96、Bus X97)、路面電車、地鐵(不包含機場前往市區的「Metro ticket to the airport」)、郊區鐵路。

雅典市區的景點多位在地鐵 Syntagma 站和 Monastiraki 站之間的「布拉卡區(Placa) 」,行程上如安排同一天走遍此區景點,一張單程票「one 90 minute ticket」就足矣,除非要移動到 Omonia 地鐵站大學街旁走雅典大學、雅典學院、國家圖書館,或是去利卡維多斯山丘、去 Piraeus 港口,才會比較需要購買 24 小時票、5 日券與 5 張票、10 張票(加送一張票 = 11 張票),若是你很確定三天會搭很多次公車、地鐵等等,還有一個可以用在來回機場地鐵的「3 日(旅客)周遊票」。

April 14, Sunday  
Golden City Hotel, 46 Marni Street Psirri Area, 
Acropolis within Walking distance
Golden City Hotel rests 300 m from Omonia Square, in the heart of Athens near to the archeological sites and the most beautiful sightseeing, Just 400 meters from Metaxourgeio Metro Station,

普西里 (Psirri) 位於伊倫廣場 (Iroon Square) 的中心,周圍的街道有許多餐館,除了供應開胃小點,還有希臘藍調 Rembetika 等現場音樂表演。DJ 酒吧營業至深夜,供應肉丸和希臘沙拉等傳統佳餚的小酒館也到深夜才打烊。

雅典中央市場 (The Central Market of Athens),從 Omonia 地鐵站走到雅典中央市場約莫 5 分鐘,雅典市場的營業時間是早上07:00-18:00,每週日休息。雅典中央市場走逛一圈還滿有趣的,平常有在料理的朋友,希臘的 BBQ 香料,簡單灑在肉品上用烤箱烤就是一道美味的希臘料理。中央市場或是超市的熟食部都可以 Gemista 鑲飯,番茄鑲飯,一般常見的有番茄或青椒或茄子包飯,米飯在希臘人的飲食中有不可或缺的重要性。

Monastiraki Flea Market 蒙納斯提拉奇跳蚤市場在雅典舊城區景點附近,地鐵站 Monastiraki 一邊可以去看哈德良圖書館景點,一邊則是可以逛跳蚤市場,其中以週日最多人擺攤,如果要尋寶週日來應該會比較有收穫。假日的人潮在上午 11 點過後就會越來越多,建議可以早點來逛避開壅擠的人群。


雅典的古市集、憲法廣場、花園、澡堂遺跡等古希臘公共建設,都是能探索歷史風貌的方式。 希臘的多神文化 『一島一偶像』的風格。

利卡維多斯山丘 (Lycabettos Hill) 位在雅典東北邊,高 277 公尺,是雅典最高的山丘。山上有建於 19 世紀的聖喬治教堂,可乘纜車上山。四月晚上七點到八點的日落,色溫神奇!晚上打燈的衛城是雅典夜景的一大亮點, 可以看到雅典港。

Mount Lycabettus, to admire the sunset in Athens. You’ll have the choice between walking or riding the cable-car to go up there.

阿納菲奧提卡 (Anafiotika) 是通往希臘雅典衛城北坡古遺跡路旁的一片石頭村,俯瞰普拉卡區的小建築群,白牆紅瓦掩映在綠意中,來到這裡就好象來到了希臘的島嶼上一樣。之所以取名為 Anafiotika,是這裡的原住民是 19 世紀中期從 Anafi 島移民來建設雅典的泥瓦匠。

Athens brought the world drama, history, poetry, and philosophy. Once home to the world's most powerful and civilized empires, Athens is now the world's foremost archaeological playground. The towering columns of the Parthenon still stand in homage to the virgin goddess Athena. The Parthenon sits atop the Athenian Acropolis and watches over the city where it can be seen from just about anywhere in Athens.

The Acropolis Museum, the joint effort between two architects, one American and the other Greek, was completed and opened to the public in 2009. It focuses primarily on the Greek period dating to 5 B.C., considered to be the apex of art, culture, and philosophy in ancient Greece. It also has artifacts from the Bronze, Roman, and Byzantine Ages. There’s even a Plexiglas walkway from which an excavated section of an old Athenian neighborhood can be viewed.

文明、神話、宗教在希臘興盛了一千多年。建於西元前 447-432 年的雅典衛城 (Acropolis, Athens ),可以說是「希臘全盛時期」的建築藝術代表作品;衛城中最精采的希臘建築藝術遺跡包括巴特農神殿 Parthenon、艾瑞克提翁神殿Erechtheum、山門 Propylaea 和無翼勝利女神廟 Athena Nike。這些被認為是希臘民族精神和審美觀的完美建築,於西元 1987 年同時列入世界遺產名單。

雅典城得名於女神雅典娜,衛城則是供奉雅典娜女神的地方,原為雅典城主城堡,西元前五世紀改建為宗教活動中心。所謂「衛城 Acropolis」意思為高丘上的城市,有兩種意義:一、是祭祀的聖地,建有雄偉的神殿。二、是國家城市 (polis) 的防衛要塞。衛城的建築與地形結合緊密,頗具匠心。因此,如果把衛城看作一個整體,山崗就是天然基座,而建築群的結構、陳設、佈局安排,則隨著城堡基座高低起伏,構成完整的一體。

奧林匹克競技場(Athens Stadium)於 1896 年舉行第一屆現代奧林匹克運動會,其歷史可回溯至西元前 331 年的泛雅典大會。1895年在希臘富豪的贊助下才又恢復壯觀宏偉的原貌。整個運動場總長 204 公尺、寬 83 公尺,跑道一圈有 400 公尺,大理石觀眾席可容納 5 萬人,跑道是仿古的馬蹄型。



Souvlaki 有點像是串燒,把肉串在一個竹籤上烤,烤完之後可以放在盤子上和蔬菜、薯條、Pita 餅、tzatziki (優格醬) 成為一道餐點 Souvlaki plate;或是 Souvlaki 和蔬菜、薯條、醬汁和其他配料「包」在 Pita 餅裡面,成為 Souvlaki Pita
青瓜酸優格醬汁( τζατζίκι塔查吉基是希臘飲食文化中的一種醬料。

希臘旋轉烤肉 (gyros) 一般是用豬肉和雞肉做的,和 Souvlaki 完整的塊狀不同,是碎片狀的,像沙威瑪那樣,很多肉串在一的烤柱上,然後把肉削下來。Gyro 原是希臘及土耳其戰爭時期士兵們裹腹的簡單口糧,卻成為希臘道地的街頭風味小吃,香 Q 的餅皮,夾上各式各樣的 Kebab,一卷卷的好滋味。

希臘的 Gyro、土耳其的 Kebab、中東的 Shawarma 配合的醬汁、蔬菜、甚至 Pita 餅都會有所不同,可以放在盤子上也可以捲起來!

希臘傳統美食雅典街頭小吃 Dionysiou Areopagitou Street
Koulouri Thessalonikis(希臘甜甜圈芝麻餅)Greek Sesame Bread Rings,唸起來發音有點像是咕嚕哩,外觀像是放大版的甜甜圈,上頭灑了滿滿的芝麻。Koulouri 的歷史悠久,據說可以追溯到上古時代。目前則是希臘傳統小吃和早餐,在雅典街頭經常能見到 Koulouri 小攤販。最基本的芝麻口味價格大約是1,加入巧克力等內餡口味1.5~2,在非觀光區也有見到0.5價格的原味Koulouri

咕嚕哩像是天使頭上的光環,希臘人隨手可得的便利早餐,口感很硬夠脆的大餅,咬下去是滿滿的芝麻香氣,雖然本身沒什麼甜度,卻會越嚼越香越吃越涮嘴。Koulouri 是用烤的,不會有油耗味,就算是下午買的,直接放到隔天當做早餐,要搭火車或搭船時,直接帶著 Koulouri 隨手吃都很方便。


Baklava(果仁蜜餅)Baklava is a layered dessert made of filo pastry sheets, filled with chopped nuts, and sweetened with syrup or honey. 果仁蜜餅流行中東和地中海地區的甜點,尤其在土耳其非常有名。酥皮層刷上奶油,放上堅果餡,烤至酥脆金黃,倒入糖漿或蜂蜜,讓它滲透,並增添甜度和水分。

Loukoumades(希臘甜甜圈)吃起來外皮香酥,裡面 Q 軟,香甜的蜂蜜與淡淡肉桂香氣,加上碎堅果增添口感,是下午茶最 sweet 的小點心喔!

希臘沙拉 Horiatiki salad
傳統希臘沙拉會用到洋蔥、番茄、小黃瓜、卡拉瑪塔 (Kalamata) 橄欖及菲達 (Feta) 乳酪。如果到了希臘的十二群島 (Dodacanese),沙拉裡頭還會加酸豆。

Kopanisti (GreekΚοπανιστή) is a salty, spicy Feta cheese, with protected designation of origin produced in the Greek islands of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea such aMykonosTinosAndrosSyrosNaxos etc.; it has been produced in Mykonos for more than 300 years.

It owes its special peppery and spicy taste to rapid and extensive lipolysis and proteolysis caused by abundant microbial growth encouraged by repeated kneadings performed during the ripening process.

Moussaka(茄子肉醬千層派)一直都被認為是一道頗為傳統的希臘菜。它的外貌酷像義大利千層麵,只是沒有任何麵(Pasta)。現在的 Moussaka 都是用切碎的肉(牛肉,豬肉,或羊肉)、茄子、馬鈴薯、或小黃瓜疊成多層,再加上一層希臘白醬(Bechamel Sauce),放到烤箱裏烘培到表面呈金黃色。

Pastitsio(希臘式千層麵)是碎肉和白醬調味的希臘烤義大利麵,一層管狀麵一層煮爛的肉料一層管狀麵,再澆上奶油白醬,最後鋪上一層起司粉和麵包屑的混合料,然後進烤箱。塞浦路斯, pastitsio 是慶典食物。

Pastitsio – with layers of pasta, a rich cinnamon-spiked red wine meat sauce, topped with a thick layer of cheese sauce, this is Greece’s answer to Italian Lasagna.

Dolmadakia 希臘粽子用的不是粽葉,通常是醃漬過的葡萄葉。和長型粽葉不同,葡萄葉呈手掌狀,包裹時也無需用線綁著。葡萄葉帶有微酸葉香,而且很薄,所以吃的時候,葉子是和飯一起吃下去的,不像粽子需要剝下粽葉。

雅典衛城 The Acropolis Metro Station is Acropoli
the Acropolis Museum 帕德嫩神廟The Parthenon

Day 1 Monday, April 15, 2024 Departs: 5:00PM

下午一點由皮瑞斯港站搭船,從雅典市區出發可以搭乘雅典地鐵 1 號線(綠線)到皮瑞斯港站(Piraeus Station),若是夏天也有 X80 路巴士 可以選擇;車程約莫 30 分鐘。 

Day 2 Tuesday, April 16, 2024 Docked: 7:00AM to 6:00PM
Volos, situated 205 miles north of Athens and 137 miles south of Thessaloniki, is one of Greece’s most popular cities, combining a prominent port, a lively seafront, ancient archeological sites, and access to the Pelion Mountain range, the home of the mythical centaur 半人馬, shopping on Ermou Street.

Volos, Greece's newest port city, is located at the foot of Mount Pelion and the innermost point of the Pagasetic Gulf. With its unique architecture, nearby lush mountain ranges, and golden beaches, a must-experience local favorite, include a long lunch at a "tsipourodika," a type of cozy fish tavern to enjoy "tsipouro," the famous local grape-distilled spirit, and small plates of fresh seafood snacks.

Other highlighted attractions include walking the Centaur’s Path—from which the mythical story of the Centaur was born—the Pelion Railway, the seafront Anavros Park, the Castle of Volos, Dimini Archaeological Site, and the Athanasakeion Archaeological Museum of Volos.


大約 1000 年前,隱遁的修士們靠木梯和繩索攀上了高聳入雲的峰頂,居住在天然岩洞內,祈禱、讚頌和懺悔。至今還可看到高聳平滑的懸崖壁上保留著的 11 世紀隱遁修士們古老殘破的洞室,這些洞室及修到院儘管令人難以置信,卻是希臘東正教最大和最重要的建築之一。這裡曾經多達 24 座修道院,如今只剩 6 座。1988 年,邁提歐拉被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄,為自然和文化雙重遺產。

1. St. Nicholas Anapausas 是六大修道院中規模最小的,14世紀便存在。
2. Rousanou 最美的修道院,所在的岩石沒那麼高,幾乎所有修道院都可以拍到它,建於 1545 年,於 1950年被改建成女子修道院。
3. Varlaam 好爬的修道院,只要 120 階,沿途也不陡,有個懸空橋。
4. Great Meteoron 大梅特歐拉修道院,規模最大、歷史最悠久的修道院,是第二難爬的修道院從 14 世紀就開始建立,內部的教堂則是建於 16 世紀,裡面的文物有耶穌和 12 門徒壁畫,拜占庭時期壁畫作品、聖器、宗教器具和流籠。
5. Holy Trinity 007 系列電影(For Your Eyes Only)取景地!六大修道院中最難爬的,需要先下再上,首先要從山的這頭往下走兩段大斜坡,一直通往山岩底部,並穿越兩山之間的壑谷,但痛苦才剛要來,因為緊接著的就是爬上 140 階,幾乎垂直很陡的樓梯,快速之字登頂,路程說長不長,若是體力腳程足夠,15 分鐘內可以到達,若是體力不行,就會是一段頗累人的路途。但到達後景色很開闊很美!
6. St. Stephen 幾乎不用爬樓梯,走起來最輕鬆,也是一座女子修道院

Day 3 Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Docked: 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Thessaloniki on the Thermaic Gulf of the Aegean Sea.
Evidence of Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman history remains, especially around Ano Poli, the upper town.

The ruins of Roman Emperor Galerius’ 4th-century palace include the Rotunda that has been both a church and a mosque. Much of the city center was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1917. The rebuilt 20th-century city has a modern European layout. One of its most famous sites is the iconic White Tower which dates from the 1500s and was built as part of the city’s fortification. Head to the top of it for sweeping views of the city, shimmering gulf, and surrounding hills. Practically an open-air museum of Byzantine art, Thessaloniki offers many opportunities to stroll among 5th century churches, archeological sites, a 13th century bathhouse, archaeological museums, and contemporary art museums.

塞薩洛尼基是希臘第二大城市,也是希臘北部最大的城市。根據 2001 年官方人口統計,塞薩洛尼卡大都會地區總人口有 1,057,825 人。 塞薩洛尼基是希臘第二大經濟、文化中心,以及東南歐主要的交通樞紐。

The squat, round White Tower is to Thessaloniki, as the Acropolis is to Athens. The structure, built in the 15th century under Ottoman rule and once known as the Tower of Blood, was renamed and painted white in the late 1800s by a prisoner in exchange for his freedom. The tower will glow with rainbow colors representing a different kind of liberation as thousands of L.G.B.T.Q. travelers gather from June 21 to 29 to celebrate EuroPride — the city’s chance for a redo after the pandemic scuttled its turn to host the event in 2020.

Thessaloniki, founded in 316 B.C. and named for a sister of Alexander the Great, is renowned for its Byzantine mosaics as well as its clubs, cafes and bars. Savor a glass of ouzo along the bay — unlike Athens, Thessaloniki is right on the water — and see if you can spot Mount Olympus.

Although not as big as Athens, Thessaloniki is still considered to be one of the largest cities in Greece. It also has a rich history and is considered to have been founded in 315 B.C by King Cassender of Macedon. Because the city has such a long history, part of the fun of visiting here is to pay attention to some of its most notable landmarks, such as the iconic White Tower of Thessaloniki.

Day 5  Rhodes Friday, April 19, 2024 Docked: 7AM to 4PM
Known as the Knights Island, Rhodes combines a rich history, impressive medieval architecture, amazing beaches and a lovely natural scenary. The Old town of Rhodes with its stone- paved alleys and elegants mansions.
Old Town Rhodes
Streets of the Knights
Palace of the Grand Master
Archaeological Museum of Rhodes
Elli Beach
Diving Platform
Acropolis of Lindos
Boat Day Trip to Lindos -





Rhodes, the friendliest city in the Mediterranean, is situated at the island’s northernmost point. This sunny retreat is also home to many historic sites, such as the ruins of the Temple of Venus and the medieval Street of Knights. 

Rhodes, pronounced ro-dos, is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands. The varied landscape with beaches, wooded areas, and ancient ruins also make this one of the most alluring of the Greek archipelago. 

A cruise to Rhodes wouldn’t be complete without exploring the picturesque Old Town with its winding streets and Byzantine legacy. Enter the gateways of Rhodes and step back to a time when the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem built a Christendom stronghold. Or, tour the restored Palace of the Grand Masters and the Hospital of the Knights. You can spend the day amid the chronicles of Greek history.  Immerse yourself in the whitewashed romance of the archaeological site, Lindos and climb to the ruins of its ancient Acropolis for sweeping views of the village and the blue seas beyond.

Day 6 Limassol, Cyprus
Saturday, April 20, 2024 Docked: 10:00AM to 7:00PM

Limassol is the second-largest city in Cyprus. Stroll around Old City, an historic part of town with stylish cafés, restaurants, shops, bars, the Old Fishing Harbour and the former Turkish quarter. Visit the Medieval Castle & Museum, the scene of spectacular, shady gardens and a 12th-century wedding between Richard the Lionheart and Berengaria. Swim and picnic at Petra tou Romiou, the spot where the Greek goddess Aphrodite is said to have emerged from the sea. 

Day  8  4/22 EphesusKusadasiTurkey

The ruins of Ephesus is 18 km away from Kusadasi and it is one of the best preserved ancient cities of the world. It was built by Attic and Ionian Greek colonists in the 10 BC. The city was famed for the nearby Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Ephesus is also an important place for Christians. Ephesus was one of the seven churches of Asia Minor.

The original site of Ancient Ephesus was most likely established on the Aegean coast, on the shores of that sea which today is located 8 km away from the archaeological excavations. Once the capital of the Roman province of Asia Minor, this coastal town is now an archeologist’s dream.
Though excavations have been underway for 150 years, only 20 percent of the city has been uncovered. This former Greek banking and trading center is rich with historic sites, including the Great Theater, the Temple of Hadrian, and the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Celsus Library — built in 117 A.D.— made up of towering columns highlighted by the statue of the goddess of wisdom.

EPHESUS AND CHRISTIANITY Ephesus is vividly alluded to in Acts 19-20 in connection with St. Paul’s extended ministry at Ephesus. Apostle Paul probably spent two and a half years in Ephesus during his third missionary journey, until a riot forced him to leave the city rapidly.
Some authorities believe that St. Paul was imprisoned in the so-called Prison of St. Paul in Ephesus. Eventually the belief in Christ and the veneration of his Blessed Mother replaced the worship of Artemis and the other deities. Ephesus was the site of the third ecumenical council in 431 AD, at which the question of the Virgin Mary being the mother of God was debated. In this council it was decided that Chirst had a double nature as God and man, and the Virgin Mary was the otokos, god-bearer.

Ephesus is considered one of the greatest outdoor museums of Turkey, in fact perhaps of the world. The links of Ephesus with the Amazons and the myths had survived throughout history. So, there was a competition for statue of an Amazon for the Temple of Artemis to be made by the famous sculptors in the 5th century B.C..

The town of Apasas under the rule of Ahhiyawa Kingdom mentioned in the written records of the Hittites of the 14th and 13th centuries B.C. is Ephesus. The linguists accept that the word Ephesus was derived from Apasas. An important number of the findings revealed by the excavations carried on at southern slopes of Ayasuluk (Selcuk) castle by the Ephesus Museum since 1990 are dated to second millennium B.C.. Apasas was founded on the Ayasuluk Hill, and Apasas was the first name given to Ephesus by the Amazone woman many years ago, as we all know Ephesus is based here in Selçuk. 

Kusadasi on Turkey’s Anatolian Coast, the ruins of ancient Ephesus, once a Roman provincial capital and trading center. Ephesus is also home to several of Christendom’s holiest sites.

St. Paul preached at the Great Theater and the ruins of Ephesus’ Basilica cover the tomb of Christ’s most beloved disciple, St. John the Apostle.

In Kusadasi, whitewashed stone houses rise in tiers behind the market district. The palm-lined esplanade is the center of town life, with thousands of merchants offeringwares to rival the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul.

House of Virgin Former residence of Santa Maria  聖母瑪利亞故居,離塞爾丘克 7 公里,天主教認為以弗所的此地,乃是耶穌之母聖母馬利亞最後的家。 

Day 9 Santorini in the Cyclades 克拉迪!
Santorini’s most famous villages: Fira

Located on the edge of the caldera火山口 , Fira feels like postcard landscape. pretty white and blue houses, walk down its narrow alleys to enjoy splendid views.

walk to 2 other adjacent villages located on top of the caldera: Firostefani and Imerovigli, the caldera’s highest point.  Starting from Fira, this hiking trail goes to Oia town, via Imerovigli!
The Red Beach, surrounded by high ocre cliffs is also quite famous.
watch the sunset over Santorini from the sea!
 Cyclades (SantoriniGreece's enchanting white blue island world

Around the once sacred isle of Delos, some 200 islands, including 20 larger ones, are arranged almost in a circle. This is where the name of the Greek island paradise comes from: Cyclades, a derivation of the Greek word kýklos, circle. Each cyclade has a unique character.  

The white houses with blue roofs are typical of the Cyclades. But in Mykonos Town, even the sidewalks are painted white, at least the joints. 

  Thousands of believers make the pilgrimage to Tinos on the Feast of the Assumption. As soon as they get off the ferry, they fall to their knees. Crawling, they want to reach the sanctuary of the island to pray for a miracle, help or healing. It is one of the biggest religious festivals in the country.  

火山島聖托裡尼很可能就是傳說中的失落大陸亞特蘭提斯,而斐拉 (FIRA)是聖托裡尼島上的首邑,當地人形容斐拉小城成群白色的房舍,宛如盛開的水仙花般美麗,穿梭在雪白的屋宇,露天咖啡座以及點綴在陡峭山坡上的小商店組成了聖托裡尼的印象。兩人或三五成群找個面海的咖啡廳、餐廳捕捉愛琴海最美的一幅畫。 

聖托裡尼伊亞的 Castle 斷崖邊看夕陽,在此有號稱全世界最美的愛琴海夕陽,白屋、藍窗、東正教十字圓頂教堂,建築在懸崖邊依山傍海,全世界唯一。

Church of Panagia Platsani in Oia was originally located within the walls of the Venetian Castle of Oia. The church was ruined during the earthquake in July 1956 and was rebuilt in its present location.

The distance between Fira and Oia (Station) is 7 km. The road distance is 11.6 km. The best way to get from Fira to Oia (Station) without a car is to bus which takes 20 min and costs €1 - €2.

Day 10 米克諾斯島 MYKONOS

搭公車到天堂海灘 or 超級天堂海灘!天堂海灘起初是米科諾斯島的天體海灘之一,如今已有數十間餐廳、酒吧和夜店大舉進軍這片柔軟細沙之地。沿著海岸向東走一小段,即可到達超級天堂海灘,這裡廣受同志族群歡迎,人潮也較為稀少。熱帶俱樂部曾榮獲大獎肯定,可說是天堂海灘上名聲最響亮的夜店之一,來點雞尾酒。 Mykonos, iconic clubs like Scorpios and Super Paradise

希臘印象就是藍與白,藍天白雲,白色小屋風車石磚和藍色檯櫈門,希臘最夢幻的藍白小島 「米克諾斯 Mykonos」曬曬陽光!愛琴海有好多浪漫小島,例如以日落聞名的聖托里尼 Santorini

米克諾斯島 105.2 平方公里!遊客大多留在島西面的市區(Fabrika / Chora)、舊港(Old Port),而北、南、東三部分都有大大小小的沙灘和度假酒店。西區有兩個碼頭,一新一舊,相隔 2.5 公里,從水路到達米克諾斯島,都會在新港(New Port / Toyrlos)上岸,到達後大部人都會找交通工具前往市中心而不會留在新港。

舊港小碼頭旁的 Agios Nikolaos 小教堂 St.Nikolas Church 是米克諾斯島上唯一一座藍頂教堂(島上的教堂都以純白為主)徒步走到最近的沙灘 Paralia Megai Ammos,只是 1.5 公里,半小時就行到了!巴士路線,單從舊港出發的,已有 9 條路線。
米科諾斯島共有 365 座教堂,一座教堂代表一年的一天,最知名的教堂刷白外牆的帕拉波爾提雅尼聖母 (聖母瑪利亞) 教堂。該建築群實際上包含 5 座教堂,聖母教堂是唯一一座占據 2 樓的教堂。該建築群於 14、16 和 17 世紀逐漸完成,座落於喬拉卡斯特羅區入口處。教堂 1 樓為禮拜場所,並開放遊客參觀。

Mykonos 至 Santorini 約需 3 小時,Mykonos 至 Piraeus 約需 5 小時。




風車(Mykonos Windmills Kato Mili 7 座朝著大海的風車是 Mykonos 的標建於 15 16 世紀,島上現存 16 座大風車,其中 7 座就在這個市中心南面朝海的小山丘上 

無人島「提洛斯 Delos「出現」之義 」占地三點四三平方公里,是克拉迪 Cyclades「圓周群島」的中心,最小的一個島嶼。阿波羅太陽神與阿耳特彌斯 Artemis(黛安娜月亮狩獵女神)





科林斯的當地神廟供奉愛神阿芙蘿黛緹(Aphrodite),是羅馬神話中的「維納斯」。據說當年神廟內供奉超過千名廟妓,故道德低落,犯罪之事時有所聞,不少知名的藝妓,吸引富商和有權勢的官員慕名前來,其中具有超凡智慧和美貌的名妓拉猗司(Lais),若想一親芳澤,可要支付天文數字的費用。 新約聖經》諸篇章有一半是由他所寫,是為保羅書信








11 NIGHTS Best Of Greece 


DEPARTURE DATE April 15 2024





Day 1  4/15 AthensPiraeus
Day 2  4/16 Volos
Day 3  4/17 Thessaloniki                    
Day 4  4/18 At Sea
Day 5  4/19 Rhodes Greece
Day 6  4/20 Limassol Cyprus
Day 7  4/21 At Sea 
Day 8  4/22 EphesuKusadasiTurkey
Day 9  4/23 Santorini
Day 10 4/24 Mykonos
Day 11 4/25 Athens

4 月 22 日前往土耳其以弗所!


五月的威內托(Veneto)天氣是多變化的,下著雨的時候多,晴天少的時候。感謝二位住在巴都亞(Padova)朋友的邀約,五月底到威內托一遊,六天五夜,接著搭 MSC Sinfonia 序曲號遊東地中海八天七夜。 說到二位住在巴都亞的朋友,一位是彩雲,另一位是彩蓉,二位都是五月初一...